Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream ~
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 cups 1% milk
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup corn starch
pinch of salt
1 cup chopped/slightly mashed fresh strawberries
1. In a medium saucepan combine the sugar, corn starch and salt. Stir to combine.
2. Add in the cream and milk. Whisk until well blended and the sugar and corn starch are dissolved into the milk.
3. Over medium-high heat, cook the base until it just starts to boil, stirring continually with a whisk so that it doesn't burn.
4. Pour into a bowl and chill in the fridge or freezer, stirring often until cold.
5. Using a food processor, process strawberries until chopped/slightly mashed.
6. Pour ice cream base into a 1 1/2 quart or larger ice cream maker.
7. Turn machine on and immediately pour the strawberries into the machine with the ice cream base.
8. Process about 45 minutes until mixture is cold and like soft serve.
9. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and freeze until firm.
The base is really creamy and sweet. It's perfect by itself. The only thing that I would change (Yellow Chick and I agree on this) is pureeing the strawberries, adding a little bit of sugar and letting it sit for a while before adding it to the ice cream. I think that the finished product would be creamier and less icy. Adding the strawberries in a chopped/crushed state left some bigger pieces which made the ice cream get a bit too icy when you freeze it in the freezer. It's not a big deal, but I think it could be slightly better.
Yellow Chick: Loved it - At least I think she did from the expression on her face when she was eating it.
Mr. Brown Chick: Loved it - Had a heavenly look on his face while eating it.
Tween Chick: Doesn't like strawberry ice cream and wouldn't try it.
Little Chick: "Oh my gosh! This is SO good!"
Baby Chick: Didn't try it (yet).